

Transactions are after they have been authorized in the state Authorized. An authorized transaction can either be voided or completed. If you void a transaction the reserved amount will be cancelled at the processor.

Transaction can only be voided as long as they are not in the state Completed. Voiding a transaction is therefore only possible for transactions done with a payment method that supports deferred completion. If you want to achieve a singular process for all payment methods we recommend to complete the payment immediately. The payment connector list shows which connector supports deferred completion. For information about the payment methods and if they support deferred completion can be found in the payment connector list.

2Integration Details

Before you can complete a transaction you should have considered the following guides

In case you want to cancel a not completed transaction you have to void it. See transaction complete documentation how to complete transactions.

2.1Online vs. Offline Void

A void can be issued in two ways:

  • Online: If you void a transaction online we send the void request directly to the processor.

  • Offline: The offline void simulates the void in our platform but will not send the void to the processor. This feature can be used if you voided the payment already at the processor and you can not send it anymore in the online mode.

2.2Void a Transaction inside the Back Office

Voids can be found in the back office under Space > Payment > Transactions. Open the transaction. In case the transaction is in the state authorized you should find the transaction tab Void. The backend offers an easy and convenient way to issue either online or offline voids.

It can create an inconsistent data if you only change the line items inside the back office and not also in your application.

2.3Void a Transaction Over the Web Service

As long as the transaction is not Completed you can void it and cancel the transaction. The transaction will then move to the state Voided.

In order to void a transaction you have to use the voidOnline or the voidOffline operation on the Transaction Void Service.


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	"createdOn": "2017-12-07T14:00:12.39Z",
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			"name": "Test - MasterCard",
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					"de-DE": "Bezahlen Sie bequem per Kredit- oder Debitkarte.",
					"en-US": "Pay conveniently with your credit or debit card."
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