A completion represents a try to move the transaction into the Completed state. There can only be one
successful completion for a single transaction. However if a completion is not successful there can be
more than one for a single transaction.
The create state indicates that the completion is in creation.
The pending state indicates that the completion is being processed.
The failed state indicates that the completion is failed.
The successful state indicates that the completion succeeded.
The scheduled state indicates that the completion is scheduled and that the processing have not been started yet.
The amount which is captured. The amount represents sum of line items including taxes.
Base Line Items
The base line items on which the completion is applied on.
Created By
Created On
The date and time when the object was created.
External ID
The external ID helps to identify the entity and a subsequent creation of an entity with the same ID will not create a new entity.
Failed On
Failure Reason
A unique identifier for the object.
Invoice Merchant Reference
The labels providing additional information about the object.
The language that is linked to the object.
Last Completion
Indicates if this is the last completion. After the last completion is created the transaction cannot be completed anymore.
Line Item Version
Line Items
The line items which are captured.
Linked Space ID
The ID of the space this object belongs to.
Linked Transaction
Next Update On
Payment Information
Planned Purge Date
The date and time when the object is planned to be permanently removed. If the value is empty, the object will not be removed.
Processing On
Processor Reference
Remaining Line Items
Space View ID
The ID of the space view this object is linked to.
The object's current state.
Statement descriptor
The statement descriptor explain charges or payments on bank statements.
Succeeded On
Tax Amount
The total sum of all taxes of line items.
Time Zone
Timeout On
The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.