Subscription Charge

The subscription charge represents a single charge carried out for a particular subscription.

  • Scheduled
    The charge is scheduled and it will be carried once the target date has been reached.
  • Processing
    The subscription charge is currently carried out.
  • Successful
    The subscription charge execution is successful.
  • Failed
    The subscription charge execution failed.
  • Discarded
    The charge has been discarded.
  • Created On
    The date and time when the charge was created.
  • Discarded By
    The ID of the user the charge was discarded by.
  • Discarded On
    The date and time when the charge was discarded.
  • External ID
    A client generated nonce which identifies the entity to be created. Subsequent creation requests with the same external ID will not create new entities but return the initially created entity instead.
  • Failed On
    The date and time when the charge failed.
  • Failed Url
    The URL to redirect the customer back to after they canceled or failed to authenticated their payment.
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • Language
    The language that is linked to the object.
  • Ledger Entries
    The ledger entries that belong to the charge.
  • Linked Space ID
    The ID of the space this object belongs to.
  • Planned Execution Date
    The date and time when the execution of the charge is planned.
  • Planned Purge Date
    The date and time when the object is planned to be permanently removed. If the value is empty, the object will not be removed.
  • Processing Type
    The processing type specifies how the charge is to be processed.
  • Reference
    The merchant's reference used to identify the charge.
  • State
    The object's current state.
  • Subscription
    The subscription that the charge belongs to.
  • Succeed On
    The date and time when the charge succeeded.
  • Success Url
    The URL to redirect the customer back to after they successfully authenticated their payment.
  • Transaction
    The transaction used to process the charge.
  • Type
    The type specified how the charge was initiated.
  • Version
    The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.