Payment Contract
  • Pending
    The contract is not yet activated.
  • Active
    The contract is active.
  • Terminating
    The contract is in the process of terminating.
  • Terminated
    The contract is terminated.
  • Rejected
    The contract is rejected.
  • Account
    This account that the contract belongs to.
  • Activated On
    The date and time when the contract was activated.
  • Contract Identifier
    The identifier of the contract.
  • Contract Type
    The type of the contract.
  • Created By
    The ID of the user the contract was created by.
  • Created On
    The date and time when the object was created.
  • External ID
    A client generated nonce which identifies the entity to be created. Subsequent creation requests with the same external ID will not create new entities but return the initially created entity instead.
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • Last Modified Date
    The date and time when the object was last modified.
  • Rejected On
    The date and time when the contract was rejected.
  • Rejection Reason
    The reason for rejecting the contract.
  • Start Terminating On
    The date and time when the termination process of the contract was started.
  • State
    The object's current state.
  • Terminated By
    The ID of the user the contract was terminated by.
  • Terminated On
    The date and time when the contract was terminated.
  • Version
    The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.