The notification subscription controls when and how a notification is sent for a new manual task.
The create state indicates that the Manual Task Notification Subscription is in creation.
The active state indicates that the Manual Task Notification Subscription is active and may be used.
The inactive state indicates that the Manual Task Notification Subscription is inactive and may not be used.
The deleting state indicates that the Manual Task Notification Subscription is in the process to be deleted.
The deleted state marks the entity for purging from the database.
All Manual Task Types
Detemines whether notifications for all types of manual tasks should be sent.
Delivery Type
The delivery type defines how the notification will be sent.
Execution Type
The execution type defines if and when the notification will be sent.
A unique identifier for the object.
Linked Space ID
The ID of the space this object belongs to.
Notified Manual Task Types
The provided types restrict the manual tasks a notification is sent for.
Planned Purge Date
The date and time when the object is planned to be permanently removed. If the value is empty, the object will not be removed.
Space Reference
The object's current state.
Subscription Name
The notification subscription name is used internally to identify a specific notification subscription.For example the name is used withinsearch fields and hence it should be distinct and descriptive.
The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.