Invoice Reimbursement
  • Pending
    The reimbursement has not yet been processed.
  • Processing
    The reimbursement is being processed.
  • Processed
    The reimbursement has been processed.
  • Discarded
    The reimbursement has been discarded and will not be processed.
  • Manual review
    The reimbursement is required to be reviewed manually.
  • Amount
  • Created On
    The date and time when the object was created.
  • Currency
  • Discarded By
  • Discarded On
  • ID
    A unique identifier for the object.
  • Linked Space ID
    The ID of the space this object belongs to.
  • Payment Connector Configuration
  • Payment Initiation Advice File
  • Processed By
  • Processed On
  • Recipient City
  • Recipient Country
  • Recipient Family Name
  • Recipient Given Name
  • Recipient Iban
  • Recipient Organization Name
  • Recipient Postcode
  • Recipient Street
  • Refund Merchant Reference
  • Sender Iban
  • State
    The object's current state.
  • Version
    The version is used for optimistic locking and incremented whenever the object is updated.